Tag Archives: Walmart

Special Report: The End of the Trail – How Government Destroyed Free Markets for Family Ranchers

Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack’s inaction has led to the near-destruction of American family ranchers. Over 17,000 family ranches will disappear this year. Over 100,000 family ranchers have left the profession since 2009. It’s a tragedy as world-renowned American beef … Continue reading

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Like GM, Food Companies Place Profits Over Safety and Security

Our nation’s food system is at risk! By Mike Callicrate Putting people at risk to save a buck isn’t isolated to the automotive industry. In today’s global economy, where the biggest cheater wins, foreign imports of beef and the recent … Continue reading

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A Restorative Approach to Family Farm Agriculture and Prosperous Rural Communities – Rural Life Day, December 2, 2013

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Duke Divinity School September 2013 Conference on Food, Farming, and the Life of Faith

[slideshare id=27300387&doc=dukedivinityschoolsept2013-131017104123-phpapp02] Summoned Toward Wholeness Scripture portrays God as a gardener, farmer, and shepherd. It describes Jesus as “the bread of life” who invites people to the Lord’s table so they can learn to feed his sheep. It is hard … Continue reading

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It’s Still Called Stealing

By Mike Callicrate Grade and yield buying used to be called “Grade and Steal” by most cattlemen. Today, it’s called Value-Based Marketing by the big packers and their cheerleaders, like Certified Angus Beef’s (CAB) Miranda Reiman. In her March 4th … Continue reading

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