Tag Archives: Ranch Foods Direct

Food Maven – A Force for Good, or a Curse?

Hello Tamara,  Contrary to the positive theme of your Colorado Sun article, Food Maven is not a new innovative way to reduce food waste. They have simply diverted the value in excess food into their own bank account, leaving the … Continue reading

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Letter to Congressman Lamborn Concerning FSA and Recall – A Plea for sanity!

November 5, 2015 U.S. Congressman Doug Lamborn District Office 1125 Kelly Johnson Blvd. Suite 330 Colorado Springs, CO 80920 Dear Congressman Lamborn, USDA has been conducting a Food Safety Assessment (FSA) at Good Food Concepts, owner of Ranch Foods Direct, … Continue reading

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R-CALF USA COOL Presentation August 14, 2015

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A look back to 2008 – Restoring Fair Trade, Prosperity and Food Security – a presentation by Mike Callicrate

This presentation made in 2008 is still relevant today JBS is a State sponsored Brazilian meat packer, and now the largest meat packer in the world, as well as the largest beef and poultry packer in the U.S. They are … Continue reading

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Meat Quality Presentation at 3rd Annual Western Colorado Food and Farm Forum – Winter 2015

[slideshare id=43427472&doc=westerncolorasdofoodandfarmforummeatquality1-2-15-150112080748-conversion-gate01]

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