“Confessions of an E.coli Terrorist” 9-Part Series

Food Safety News published a 9-part series entitled “Confessions of an E.coli Terrorist”.  The report focuses on systemic problems within USDA’s deregulated system of meat non-inspection, which has insulated the largest plants from meaningful USDA oversight. In extraordinary detail, the report describes how USDA helped the largest meat packers put smaller meat packers out of business while American’s were left with unsafe meat.

The report is authored by R-CALF USA’s HACCP Committee Chair John Munsell, who also is a former small meat packer.

This is a must read for everyone.

E. Coli Confession
by John Munsell | Oct 11, 2011
E. Coli Confession: Part 1
E. Coli Confession: Part 2 Damn the Evidence!
E. Coli Confession: Part 3 Reagan’s Failed Deregulation
E. Coli Confession: Part 4 Regulatory or Food Safety Issue?
E. Coli Confession: Part 5 A Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Mandate
E. Coli Confession: Part 6 Lazy Consumers!
E. Coli Confession: Part 7 An Eviscerated Field Force
E. Coli Confession: Part 8 I Was Living a Lie
E. Coli Confession: Part 9 What Can We Do with This Mess?

Download Full Version ofConfessions of an E.coli Terrorist– PDF

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