Duke Divinity School September 2013 Conference on Food, Farming, and the Life of Faith

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Summoned Toward Wholeness

Scripture portrays God as a gardener, farmer, and shepherd. It describes Jesus as “the bread of life” who invites people to the Lord’s table so they can learn to feed his sheep. It is hard to read the Bible and not see that God cares deeply about food and agriculture.

Join plenary speakers Ellen F. Davis, Joel Salatin, Scott Cairns, and Norman Wirzba, and 12 workshop leaders, as we explore multiple connections between food, farming, and the life of faith. Discover how a concern for food and agriculture can deepen faith and heal our lands and communities.

This event is hosted by Duke Divinity School, Wake Forest University School of Divinity, Blessed Earth, Cherokee Gives Back, The Duke Endowment, The Humane Society of the United States, and Anathoth Community Garden.

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