What’s Smart About USDA and the New Climate Grants?

Why pay the corporations that broke it, and depend on it staying broken, to fix it?

USDA is captured by the same corporations it was created to regulate.

It’s painful to see grant money, not just wasted, but used against small businesses in support of the criminal global food cartel.

The administration’s Climate Smart local/regional infrastructure plan is a good idea, but has essentially no chance without actual support.

The small owner-operated plants that stepped up and filled supply chain gaps left by the conglomerates during the pandemic continue to struggle and fail. The deck continues to be stacked against these more efficient, and resilient meat plants. The administration’s Climate Smart local/regional infrastructure plan is a good idea, but has essentially no chance without actual support. More than two years after the corporate food system meltdown, followed by an executive order promising change, the administration has done nothing about the broken and predatory marketplace, fraudulent meat labeling, an onerous and ineffective meat inspection system, and below cost of production, price depressing meat imports.

Instead of funding real solutions around resilient local/regional food systems, USDA is providing funds to the same companies that have been extracting valuable resources and pillaging our land stewards and husbandmen for the last 50 years. Why not fund the existing proven concepts like White Oak Pastures and Gunthorp Farms?

Click here to see where your Climate Smart money is going.

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2 Responses to What’s Smart About USDA and the New Climate Grants?

  1. judyreyher46 says:

    Thank you, Mike, for this great article. Too many people just can’t imagine anything like this would come from our own government. I believe the riots around the world (Africa, The Netherlands, Iraq, etc.) are a warning signal to those paying attention to what is going on. Those countries are more controlled by the “governing bodies” such as World Health Organization, United Nations, etc. Those countries were convinced to utilize all of the “new” forms of production which have failed miserably. Slowly the food stores of these countries have gotten smaller which means there is not enough food to go around to their populace. There are terrible riots now because people cannot find enough food for their families. The Netherlands is seizing land directly from the landowners that is not being farmed the way the government says it should be. It would take longer in this country to reach the point of shortages of production, but we also depend on imports from those countries who don’t produce enough to even feed their own people. The “green movement” is behind all of it as is the movement to lower the number of inhabitants on the earth to be fed and housed. It cannot be just the producers who fight back. The consumer has a very large stake in this as well.

  2. Following is a comment denying a grant request for processing animal hides:

    “Authors should be careful making claims such as regenerative grazing being a climate resilience strategy and “given the health benefits linked to collagen, it makes sense that sourcing raw material from healthy animals raised in a healthy environment will produce a higher quality and more desirable product” without citing a credible source. For the former statement, there are many that believe quite the opposite.”

    Jim Dobrowolski, Ph.D.
    National Program Leader
    National Institute of Food and Agriculture

    Sandeep Kumar
    National Program Leader
    National Institute of Food and Agriculture

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