Meat Cartel Threatens Food Security

On this day, January 21, 2010, the Supreme Court ruled in the Citizens United case removing restrictions on corporate campaign contributions, essentially handing the “Temple of Democracy” over to the control of big corporations.

Decades of a no-rules economy has allowed the big-four meatpackers to take control of our cattle and beef markets. They continue to plunder, pillage, and exploit on a daily basis, enabled by Congress, the de-reg courts, and captured government agencies. They settle price-fixing cases for a fraction of the ill-gotten gains, without admitting guilt, knowing they have the power to quickly recover any settlement amount from their producer and worker supply chains.

State’s Attorneys General have recently come together to fight the monopoly power of big tech. While they’re talking they should look at revoking the charters of the meatpacker felons doing business in their states. Additionally, USDA has the authority to withdraw grants of inspection to companies guilty of price-fixing, bribery, and felonious practices, of which all of the big-four cartel meatpackers are guilty.

We have the necessary tools to break up the concentrated power and restore fair, open, and competitive markets, and rebuild our capacity to feed ourselves while rebuilding rural America. What are we waiting for?

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One Response to Meat Cartel Threatens Food Security

  1. David Marshall says:

    Not going to happen with a democratic socialist government . We lost the best chance to right the industry that we have had for 50 years .

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