The writer is impressed more and more of the importance of giving farmers the right education. They have been educated squarely against their own interests for more than a half-century. We mean, educated to sell their immense and valuable crops to robber profiteers and allow the organized “gang” to price their crops for them. They have been educated to buy millions of dollars worth of farm machinery, fencing, coal, flour, feed, and fertilizer from the organized millionaire trusts and greedy profiteers.

The trusts and profiteers keep up a continual campaign of education, which makes the farmers pay millions of dollars more than they ought to pay for all they buy. The cost of this education is added on to the prices which farmers pay when they buy from the trusts and profiteers. The farmers foot the bill. Costly ads mean additional cost, not value, to what we buy.

From Tom Giessel – The Equity Union Exchange newspaper, Greenville, Illinois, May 12, 1920.

Corporate capture of our land-grant institutions:

Nutrien is a Canadian fertilizer company based in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. It is the largest producer (monopoly) of potash and the third-largest producer of nitrogen fertilizer in the world. It has 1,500 retail stores and more than 20,000 employees.

Colorado based, Brazilian owned, JBS, is the largest meatpacker in the world. JBS is considered the leader of the global meatpacking monopoly with multiple felony convictions.


Note that we can’t get information on partnerships, without being a partner. So much for the Land-Grant mission!

Partners: ADM, PPC/JBS, Wayne Farms, Tyson, and others are getting a huge taxpayer subsidy for their research.

Charles C Miller Jr.Building a State of the Art Research & Education Center

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