BIG FOOD – hiding within the walls of our institutions of higher education

Last week I spoke at Ole Miss in Oxford, Mississippi for Food Day. Aramark, along with Chick-Fil-A, Subway and other national franchise feeders provide the meals. With one of the country’s best independent bookstores just a few blocks away on the square, Ole Miss prefers to use Barnes and Noble on campus. At the end of the week, I attended and spoke at the Colorado Sustainability Conference in Colorado Springs. I discussed the contradiction of sustainability programs that ignore the quality and production methods of food, including the U.S. military, Ole Miss, and the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, which employs Sodexo.

hiding within the walls of our institutions of higher education
with their efficient lighting and low–flow toilets
poisons with meals of fake industrial food
manufactured from their chemically intensive, industrial, commodity monocultures
flavored with human and animal suffering, environmental degradation and community destruction
leaving behind sickness and disease,
the once good stewards of our lands and livestock broken and discarded.

We’ve got to wake up, bring Bon Appetit in and boot Sodexo out!

Mike Callicrate

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