Paul Shapiro with HSUS speaks with family farm advocate Mike Callicrate about the undercover Humane Society video that shows gruesome treatment of pigs at Wyoming factory farm.

[MIKE] “This is hard stuff. This is the industrial model that we talk about that just does not work. To me, the abuse of these animals is a symptom of the industrial model which is also abusive to people. It’s abusive to the environment, it’s abusive to communities.”

[PAUL] “When you have animals who are treated as if they were machines themselves, locked up inside these industrial factories treated as they weren’t living, feeling, breathing animals, but just commodities on a product line, then you create a condition where people think that their suffering just doesn’t matter. People get desensitized toward that type of animal suffering and I think that is what enables, in a very serious way, the type of violence against animals that we see.”

[MIKE] “This is industrial agriculture demanding profit at all costs, profit over animals, profit over people, profit over the environment, and this is where we end up. This is really the end game of this absolute demand for profit at all costs. I am really sorry that agriculture has declined to this level.”

[MIKE] “This is a good example of what happens when you take the family off the farm and that family loses the farm and loses that ability to care for those animals that they deeply love and respect, and now we’ve put them in a factory. We’ve brought economic refugee labor in, and perhaps not economic refugee labor, but perhaps war refugee labor as we’ve utilized so extensively in industrial agriculture in this country. These are people who are themselves under so much pressure and essentially being exploited.

[MIKE] “I hope the public gets this and the reason for this. This is something that is completely wrong.

[MIKE] “We’ve got to change the system.”

[MIKE] “We’ve got to get back to family farm agriculture where people are taking care of livestock again. They own them and care about them.”

Shocking Animal Cruelty at Tyson Foods Supplier

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