Why doesn’t USDA support our most ideal local/regional meat plants?

If we want more ideal operations like White Oak Pastures, we’re going to need to support them. USDA is already a major buyer of ground beef from the biggest meatpackers like JBS – the same meatpackers that failed us during the pandemic.

Why not redirect those purchases to the local/regional plants USDA has provided grant money to and said we need to be able to feed ourselves, be more resilient, and rebuild rural America.

You will love Will’s new book. The audio version is especially good in Will’s voice.

Will Harris didn’t like the direction industrial ag was taking him, so he did something amazing.

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One Response to Why doesn’t USDA support our most ideal local/regional meat plants?

  1. Roger Hines says:

    As long as the big meat packers have millions to throw at the lobbyists it will be hard to a level playing field. We have laws now, they just laugh at them. Our government will do nothing!

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