The Current State of U.S. Agriculture and Food Infrastructure, and Solutions

By Mike Callicrate

June 27, 2021

“Livestock should be at the center of the new farm and ranching operations. We need to think about how we build soil health, how we sequester carbon through well-manged grazing programs.”

“We need to reassert, what is purpose of antitrust? It’s to prevent monopoly!”

What’s the difference? Thanks to Brenna Quinlan.

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2 Responses to The Current State of U.S. Agriculture and Food Infrastructure, and Solutions

  1. Anonymous says:

    Mike. You hit it out of the ballpark with this one. Gilles

  2. florasforum says:

    Thank you for creating this video! Well said, and a wonderful & comprehensive call to action!
    I have no doubt that creative thinkers working in harmony are the solution, and the more we connect, the faster positive change will accelerate.

    —Sandra Knauf (Greenwoman Market)

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