Crop Statisticans, 1908

Send them to prison

Texas Union Would Adopt Extreme Measures Against Crop Statisticans

The Farmer’s Union of Reagan, Texas, has taken an advanced stand on the question of crop statistics by adopting the following resolution:

Resolved, That Reagan Union No. 4279 ask all unions in the United States to instruct our legislative agents at Washington and in all the State legislatures where we have unions organized to do away with the bureau of crop statistics, as it has cost the farmers many millions of dollars and is of no benefit to us, but keeps the gamblers posted with reports in their favor; in fact, the whole thing is against the farmer and increases his burdens to the amount of $25,000,000 in the Nation and State, and it should be a penal offense to give out any news as to crops, and should have not less than five years’ servitude attached.

–courtesy of Tom Giessel

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