Chipotle debuts short film on sustainable farming

Fast-casual chain teams with Willie Nelson to highlight the importance of sustainable methods

This is the story of Callicrate Cattle Co. and others who have traveled the once popular path from family farm agriculture to industrial production; and who are now, after waking up, finding the return path nearly impossible due to monopoly like control of markets and abusive regulations that favor industrial ag and Big Food.

Chipotle gives us hope that there actually could be a viable market for sustainably produced food – instead of just the Whole Foods talk.

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3 Responses to Chipotle debuts short film on sustainable farming

  1. Scott says:

    Thanks Mike, you rock !

  2. James Thomas says:

    Hang in there guy, it is getting close to a time when we may have to play the game of Cosa Nostra.
    How about the month old entrails of about a dozen of your processed animals placed on the front porch and in the yard of those bastards, with a nice note speaking of your displeasure informing them that life doesn’t always turn out the way they would have hoped. This Stazi police state is headed for a revolution, and it is about time we took action to let those over zealous inspectors know of our displeasure. At some point we are going to have to put our lives on the line instead of just allowing them to put us out of business !!!

  3. Ann Bartley says:

    Atta Boy Mike! We are in your corner! Our forefathers left the mother country in pursuit of FREEDOM. And if our forefathers could see what a bed we have made from those humble beginnings that they left us entrusted with what would they do?? My first thought (as a woman) is “weep”. No parent wants to see their children suffer. Yet in pursuit of FREEDOM some people along the way forgot common sense, became greedy and irresponsible and then made it ALL of our problems.. What is good for one is not good for another, so with that in mind to re-create FREEDOM anew we need to find a way to have BOTH!! There will always be a need for mass production. But is it not prudent to have MORE food in the wings than less? And American Farmers can do it!! Encourage and allow farmers to go back to the natural ways. It will only make more and sometimes even BETTER food for Americans! And yet we as Americans can still provide food for other countrys. That is unless greed takes over and no one wins..

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