What is Advanced Meat Reclamation?

What is Advanced Meat Reclamation?

RE: What is Advanced Meat Reclamation?

Question: Can vertebral columns from cattle under 30 months be used in Advanced meat Recovery?

Answer from USDA’s FSIS, January 10, 2011:

Thank you for your inquiry regarding bones used in Advanced Meat Recovery Systems (AMR). The regulations at 9 CFR 318.24(a) allow establishments to produce “meat” by mechanically separating skeletal muscle tissue from the bones of livestock, other than skulls or vertebral column bones of cattle 30 months of age and older, using AMR systems. Establishments that use beef vertebral column bones or skulls from cattle younger than 30 months of age in AMR systems are subject to sampling under the AMR01 project for detection of CNS and CNS-type tissues (including brain, trigeminal ganglia, spinal cord, and dorsal root ganglia (DRG)).

In answer to your question, yes an establishment may use vertebral columns from cattle under 30 months of age in AMR.

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