California fights FoodMaven approach to homemade food

In fight against food waste, FoodMaven could do more harm than good.

California: Do Not Make an Uber Mistake with Homemade Food!

We need you to write letters and make phone calls.

East Bay friends click here for a special East Bay page!

"We should not allow big companies like Uber, Airbnb, TaskRabbit or Amazon to extract profit as intermediaries of homemade food sales."

“We should not allow big companies like Uber, Airbnb, TaskRabbit or Amazon to extract profit as intermediaries of homemade food sales.”

TO WRITE: Click to download a template letter

To Contact the Assembly Health Committee:

Assembly Health Committee
State Capitol, Room 6005
Sacramento, California 95814

916.319.2097 phone
916.319.2197 fax

Please also send a copy of your letter to so we can follow up and make sure it was received.

TIPS: We recommend that you do not email your Assembly member through their website contact form. Mailing or faxing a letter is much more effective and if you don’t want to mail or fax a letter (so old fashioned!) you can email your letter as a PDF to and we’ll send it off for you. Phone calls are also very effective. Want to set up a meeting with staff or your Assembly member in your Assembly member’s local office? This is the best way to let them know you really care about an issue. Contact if you’d like assistance with figuring out who to contact them and preparing talking points.

TO CALL: Click here for a phone script and numbers to call.

Want to get more involved?

We need lots of volunteers. Email to get involved. In your email please specify if you have a preference for any tasks you’d like to do such as: writing blogs, public speaking, or talking with people one-on-one or in small groups. And tell us where you live (just your city or county is fine).

 "It's not about legalizing an Uber for food and making rich companies richer; it's about expanding our food options, bringing producers and consumers closer together and supporting livelihoods throughout the food system."

“It’s not about legalizing an Uber for food and making rich companies richer; it’s about expanding our food options, bringing producers and consumers closer together and supporting livelihoods throughout the food system.”

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