Falfurrias . . . a question of power

Subject: Mr. Swift and Mr. Hoover – It is not a question of what is right…it is a question of power…

“Mr. Swift and Mr. Hoover” is the title of Chapter 9 from the book, Falfurrias, by Dale Lasater. 

A link to a PDF copy of the chapter is below.

The book is an excellent history of the cattle industry dating back to the late 1800’s. Chapter 9 memorializes the events leading up to the passage of the P&S Act. Some things never change…


“The crop of beef and mutton marketed the past six months has been taken from producers at the market centers of the country at much less than the cost of production.  The consumers…have paid higher prices than ever for these staples.”

I’m proud to know the Lasater family. As you will see from reading the book, their contributions to the cattle industry have been significant.

The book is available from:

Dale Lasater

Lasater Grassland Beef

P.O. Box 38

Matheson, Colorado 80830

(719) 541-2855

Click the link below to download file. 


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