“Cow Tax” receives squeaky clean bill of health from Inspector General – REALLY???

Did the Inspector General’s office really give the “Cow Tax” and its myriad of questionable expenditures a squeaky clean bill of health?

Not privileged to read the official I.G. or U.S.D.A. public release, I only heard the N.C.B.A. and their bought medias’ news blasts. Their ecstatic pronouncements of rebarbative, unreliable, polyglot; painting confusedly in every direction and containing an appalling amount of verbosity, was just too much for an old rancher to comprehend.

How could a private audit of a miniscule amount of records discover $300,000 of misspent Cow Tax, while and in-house audit discovers nothing amiss?

Perhaps the worst fraud, in my opinion, is when Beef Board members, who are also a member of N.C.B.A. fail to recuse themselves when voting to award the preponderance of Cow Tax funds to the N.C.B.A.

Isn’t that a clear ethical and moral conflict of interest?


Stephen Anderson

27610 Poor Farm Road

Alma, Kansas 66401


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