Stop the NCBA Beef Checkoff lies, the public deserves the truth

I am J. Dudley Butler. I am an independent family farmer, agricultural lawyer and former Admin. of the Grain Inspection Packer and Stockyard Administration at USDA.

I’ve experienced first-hand the vicious, slanderous personal attacks by the meat packers, their chosen media minions, and the puppets like the leaders at the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association.

These types of lies must stop. The public deserves better.

The lone plaintiff, Mike Callicrate, in the lawsuit filed against USDA seeks to save the Beef Checkoff Program, and restore it to its original intent, not destroy it.

I hope that Secretary Vilsack will exhibit the courage of a true statesman by suspending all current contracts with and deny all future contracts to NCBA.

The independent cattle of our country paying their hard earned dollars into the Checkoff deserve no less.

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