Stop Beef Checkoff Abuse

Daniel D. Owen – Polsinelli Shughart PC

August 10, 2012 | Filing Date for Complaint for Permanent Injunction


Mike Callicrate is the named plaintiff in the lawsuit filed against the US Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Marketing Service, Cattlemen’s Beef Board (CBB) and the CBB’s Beef Promotion Operating Committee. Callicrate is the owner of a meat packing facility and retail market called Ranch Direct Foods in Colorado Springs, Colo. He also is vice president of the Organization for Competitive Markets (OCM).

Specifically, the lawsuit alleges that the NCBA receives a large majority of checkoff funded projects. The lawsuit alleges that the CBB operating committee awards the contracts to NCBA while the CBB is controlled by NCBA. Callicrate alleges that NCBA is approving their own funding from the CBB for their own benefit and for the purpose of promoting an industrial model of beef production, processing and distribution – harming both producers and consumers.

Rancher vows to continue checkoff lawsuit
January 7, 2013 | Capital Press | Mateusz Perkowski

Lawyers to Bail on Checkoff Lawsuit
December 27, 2012 | Capital Press | Mateusz Perkowski

Lawsuit claims beef checkoff paying for lobbying
August 10, 2012 | Real Clear Politics | Roxana Hegeman

Organizations unite in suit over Beef Checkoff funds
August 10, 2012 | Meat & Poultry | Meat & Poultry Staff

Lawsuit claims beef checkoff paying for lobbying
August 10, 2012 | St. Louis Post-Dispatch | Associated Press

Odd Allies Fight for Beef Industry’s Future
August 10, 2012 | Daily Yonder | Bill Bishop

Organization for Competitive Markets Takes On HSUS Help
August 10, 2012 | Farm Futures | Staff

Lawsuit will seek to stop NCBA as a checkoff contractor
August 10, 2012 | Drovers CattleNetwork | Greg Henderson, Editor, Associate Publisher

Suit filed against beef checkoff program
August 10, 2012 | The Kansas City Star | Mike McGraw

Learn more about Mike at

“It’s (Beef Checkoff) the most corrupt thing I have ever seen in my life”
– David Wright, ICON President and Beef Board Member of Nebraska


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